Scleral approaches to presbyopia moving from niche to mainstream
Among the many options for presbyopia, scleral approaches stand out for their unique attempt to tackle the roots of the problem, restoring physiological function rather than aiming for optical compensation. They had a slow takeoff and limited acceptance, but step by step, through a long path of research and technological upgrades, they continue to move forward. According to several surgeons, they might be the ideal solution for plano or near-plano presbyopia, when the lens is still clear. They are minimally invasive procedures that preserve the visual axis, and patients’ visual experiences can be outstandingly good, even beyond what measurements say.
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VIDEO: Innovations in Presbyopia Management: Laser Scleral Microporation
A novel procedure-based treatment for presbyopia, called laser scleral microportion (LSM), aims to restore dynamic range of focus by un-crosslinking the sclera. Mitchell A. Jackson, MD, joins host I. Paul Singh, MD, to talk about the procedure and 24-month outcomes from a recently presented study.
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Laser Scleral Microporation (LSM) is a therapy which represents the first biomechanical solution to the biomechanical problems of progressive presbyopia. The therapy is performed using the VisioLite® Ophthalmic Laser system developed by Ace Vision Group (AVG). Today, having no biomechanical option able to meet the loss of dynamic range of focus (DRoF) that occurs with progressive …
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The presbyopia landscape is crowded today with innovations to treat this condition, including corneal procedures, pharmacologic treatments, scleral procedures, and phakic and intraocular (IOL) lenses, according to Karolinne Maia Rocha, MD, PhD, director of cornea and refractive surgery at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston. Corneal proceduresProcedures that are coming down the pike …
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